jeni and the beans

By themessymama


We got the chimneys swept today. 11m tall, the chimney stacks. 11m!! Wow. Ben was a star, watched intently, said hello to the twin Hetty hoovers, helped put the fireguard back together, helped put the ash and soot in the bin (my goodness that was a LOT of soot, quite frightening really to think that we'd been lighting a fire in that grate), said bye-bye to the lady chimney sweeps.

Then he wanted to go to bed, on the sofa. But no, he wanted yoghurt. We had no yoghurt, we had to go to the shop for yoghurt. But he was tired. But he wanted yoghurt. He wanted bed, he wanted car, he wanted yoghurt, we ended up going to the shop to buy yoghurt and sitting in the cafe to have said yoghurt. And he duly fell asleep on the way home.


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