Tonya's Photo Journal

By cameracrazy

Nap Time

I seem to catch a lot of sleeping pictures of my children. I can't get enough of how cute and peaceful they are in slumber. This is Landon and our fat cat Luke. He appears to be winking at the camera.

We had a busy day starting with a trip to the dentist to rebuild Liam's broken tooth. Then errands to have plexiglass cut for the top of the boys' dresser amongst other things. This room project is neverending! Then it was fun time! Took Landon and Liam to Zaps Zone for some laser tag with my friends Sheila and her boys and Naimah and her boys. The kids ran around and zapped each other like crazy. I think the staff was ready for us to leave once the boys bought bouncy balls from their vending machines and bounced them all over their facility! It was fun to hang out and catch up with friends.

Ended the night painting the rest of Loren's room. Needless to say I'm exhausted after this busy day but still wanted to catch up on back-blipping. Time for bed now!

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