
By cracker

Mother's Group

Kaz went into work this morning to pick up her laptop and Spence and I slept until 8! We took the car to the garage to check out a noise it is making. Dan, the mechanic, couldn't find anything wrong with it and the car didn't make the noise again when he was driving so we didn't worry about it!

Spence and I then went to mother's group. Two of the girls have had another baby since we had our first and they are about 7 months old. There were five other kids Spencer's age who had a great time playing outside with each other. There weren't too many 'that?s mine' instances!! We didn't leave until 12.45 and luckily Spence didn't fall asleep in the car, he slept from 2-5 when we got home!!

This is one of the boys at mother's group today. He loved the camera! I would be trying to take a photo of someone and Henok would come up and stand in front of them!!

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