Loney Girl

By loneygirl


Weather forecast for today says that a tropical depression (strong winds and rain) was entering the area of responsibility of the Philippines. Our country of over 7,000 islands is no stranger to these disturbances since we get them so often in a year, that sometimes there are not enough letters in the alphabet to name each one that hits us.
Nothing doing and living less than a kilometer from the sea, I decided to check out the Mangrove forest nestled by the beach, near the bamboo restaurant I blipped a few days ago. These are the roots of a variety of Mangrove trees and I found them so strangely beautiful. These trees are essential to the ecosystem along the shoreline and is home to a variety of sea creatures from crabs and shellfish to water fowl. A 50 hectare area is being preserved, cultivated and maintained by volunteers who live along the coastline. There is a half a kilometer bamboo walk that is suspended above the water that weaves into the forest and ends up in a bamoo tower right by the sea. I think I shall be returning there one nice sunny day to photograph the sunset.

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