My Photographic Footprint

By Theodora8

National Debt, again, and again.

One of my favourite jobs is tinting a load of James Gillray cartoons. I sit and 'colour in', listening to a talking book, or Radio 4 and enjoy every minute, excet the backgrounds. The paper is about 200 years old, and can get a but thirsty and act strangely with a large wash of colour.

I was given a very large batch this week. There could be many well paid hours from it. Lots of audio books too. I can never listen to audio while doing calligraphy, as i pick words up and make mistakes.

The first one I did made me smile a little wryly. Look at the title and subject.... National Debt. A broken soldier, and coins in the wrong pockets. Nothing changes much does it.

Gillray Bio & Prints.

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