River trip - day two

Swapped the canoes for kayaks and instructor and set off to follow the Spey from Loch Insh to Aviemore, another 7 miles or so.

No camera today as there's not a lot of dry space on an open kayak. Which is a pity as there were so many blipportunities. Instead you get the only pic I took - the Cairngorms from the cottage were staying at.

After mastering the very basics of kayaking we crossed the loch through some chopppy waves and Campbell was the first of the day to take a dip in the water but not the last.

Once into the river the conditions were fantastic. A bit of breeze and brilliant sunshine. The Spey was glorious, alternating between wide smooth stretches and what I imagine are very easy nursery style rapids but fast and furious enough to get the beginner adrenalin rushing.

A brilliant couple of days and by far the best way to experience a river.

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