Well its a fairly murky day - a lovely typically autumnal day - and I was wandering about as usual at lunch time, wondering what to photo for blip.
I was taking my usual shots of static things with my shutter speed low - as static things do not move, when I heard a commotion on the canal and saw these two swans lumberingly taking off.
With camera in hand, I snapped the event, but unfortunately because I forgot to change the settings, everything came out a bit blurred.
I have messed about with it, with a bit of success, using the limited Picasa, but because it is unlikely that I will catch any swans taking off for some time, if ever, I am going to post it anyway.
- 3
- 0
- Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL
- 1/100
- f/29.0
- 200mm
- 200
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