Donita's Daily Dose

By pondosakate

Pier 24 Exhibition San Francisco

I had an amazing experience today viewing the Pier 24 Photography Exhibition in San Francisco. This was a free exhibit of photos from the collection of Andy Pilara who has been collecting photographs for only 7 years and has acquired about 2,200 to date. He is making his collection available (by appointment) to the public and has purchased and remodeled a warehouse at Pier 24 in San Francisco to house and display them. Some 350 photos are in the present exhibit, including those by Diane Arbus, Dorothea Lange, Richard Avedon, and other famous photographers. The lighting is wonderful and only 20 people are allowed in at one time. This exhibit closes soon. A new exhibit of photos from the collection of Bob Fisher will open in September, and there will be new shows from Pilara's collection in the future. There are no tags to identify the photos, but today's exhibit included a marvelous and informative tour. Read more here.

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