Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Carnsore Point Windfarm

Today I joined 30 or so fellow photographers for a photo walk along the coastal path at Carnsore Point in the extreme South East of Ireland. After a week of rain and another week of same promised, it was wonderful to get out in bright sunshine with a bracing breeze coming in off the sea.
This beautiful place was to have been the site for Ireland's first nuclear power station but the plan was fortunately scrapped within months of being published. Whatever the rights or wrongs of the nuclear issue, I am very glad that this area of blissful natural beauty wasn't blighted and the public right of way along the coastal path was saved.
Rather than show several wind turbines, I have chosen to include just one as I was so impressed by the colour of the lichen on the rocks. The presence of such lush lichen growth is a good indicator of the purity of the air quality in this most beautiful and tranquil of spots.
Incidentally, I don't find the turbines nasty at all, as some do. They have a strange majesty and beauty of their own and while they might not produce nearly as much power as a reactor, I would rather them by far, than the alternative of reading in the dark.

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