
By Instography

Auld claes and purridge

As my granny would say. Back to life. Back to normality albeit a normality with an over-grown garden, a pile of photos to be 'dealt with' and 2000 subscription entries here to catch up with.

Not a lot to say about today. Kind of deflating in that end of the holiday, work on Monday way but after a bit of a delay docking and another bit of a delay filling the tyres with air we hammered up the road from Hull as quickly as permitted by the weather, a desire to retain the right to drive and an awareness of the laws of physics and the effects of rapid deceleration. Once home we unpacked the car, dealt with the dead mouse, failed to persuade the Aga to light and, with no cooker, had fish and chips for tea, put childs to bed and slumped. Not before downloading about 600 photos from the cameras and picking 17. But this is the only one taken today. With my iPhone. Appropriate in that it feels a bit like photographile dysfunction. An anti-climax.

If you feel like flicking through the back catalogue of the holiday, it all starts here.

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