
By Instography

Nappy bum gone

A day of pottering around the house and garden trying to make it appear a wee bit more presentable before going back to work. Taking advantage of the Aga still being off I gave the top of it a good clean to get rid of some of the baked on grease that accumulates because it's constantly hot (if you're slovenly like us). In the garden, we needed to cut the grass and try to get rid of some of the weeds that have almost completely taken over the veg beds in just two weeks. Also harvested some raspberries, gooseberries, salad and courgettes, although the fruit has had to go in the freezer seeing as there's no cooker for making jam. No oven for making bread either so although I'd refreshed my starter yesterday I just had to use some of it for making sourdough pancakes and put it back in the fridge.

Ellen spent a good half hour in the garden perfecting her forward rolls, with me photographing her efforts. She was very funny about it. She'd do a roll, come up to inspect the photographs and then say 'do it again Daddy'. We did this about 20 times and she only stopped when I made a wee film of it. That seemed to satisfy her. She's also pleased to have cast off nappies and moved into big girl pants. A major milestone and she's doing well although she's still having wee accidents on day two.

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