
By Chook


Day starts with J dropping and smashing his sunnies.
Lucky for him, C has a spare pair.
Out for last minute shopping before we pick up the car tomorrow morning.
Chow set, fry pan, pillow, rope, tie downs, more food including milk galore and a couple of hams.
Tasty indian lunch at Hanuman.
Bit too hot for C.
The streets are still swarming with US marines.
News of the day is that a stripper has been arrested on Uluru.
'If I can do a strip on Uluru, then anything is possible,' she says.
Um, yes. Like curing cancer, world peace, respect for other cultures, that type of thing??
Head to the movies to beat the middle of day heat.
Animal Kingdom.
Disturbing but very, very good.
Bit cooler late afternoon.
Head back to the wharf as J and C want to check out the Navy ships.
Big aircraft carrier.
Meander back around the Esplanade.
Another stop at Coles for last minute supplies.
C wants avocadoes.
Buys seven of them.
Beers and BBQ chicken back out the hostel.
Early night.

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