
By Nigel

Circle -> Square

More playing with Polar Co-ordinates in Photoshop. I am on trhe look out for round things to turn into recangular/square things at the minute so expect a lot of this. Lighting is really poor and I couldn't be bothered with setting up a tripod so the flash had to make an appearance and cause the bright line and blown highlights.

Most of the day has been spent catching up with the world wide interweb as I have been largely bereft of it for 48 hours due to engagin in social human interaction, which is probably a good thing but I wish people would publish their API methods and expose their methods properly :)

My SIMILE timeline experimentation has yielded a functional blip search page, albeit with the 'Edinburgh' search term hard-coded and many niggles that need ironing out but I think it has the makings of something useful, though the 48 search results in one go is a bit limiting. I might try to adapt it to Flickr too afterwards. Another idea is to have and 'Add Timeline Search' button so that you can add multiple searches and put them next each other stacked in bands. I'm also going to need to work out how to get the actual entry into the 'bubble' that pops up.

I also managed to find the time to roast a leg of lamb though Jen has come home and went straight to bed so I could probably have saved myself the effort on that front. It's very tasty which is a crying shame as it will dry out a bit, ho hum.

Slayer - Show No Mercy
Slayer - Haunting the Chapel
Slayer - Hell Awaits
Acid Witch - Witchtanic Hallucinations
Two Lone Swordsmen - Songs From the Double Gone Chapel (not heard it for years and I still don't like it, time to bin it!)

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