Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

The Boys of Summer

Baseball is a quintessential summer past time. People come from all over to watch the team's play and basbeball players are affectionately called "The Boys of Summer." There are numerous developmental and professional leagues with varying degrees of seriousness. The Boston Red Sox is the local Major League team and represents the highest level of baseball. Unfortunately, it also represents the highest level of cost and so is not as family friendly.

Today, I took the little TMGs together with some neighbors to watch a game. We saw single A team and the players are far removed from the big leagues - most are just out of college. However, the economics are compelling with $6 tickets and multiple kind-friendly options. Most people attend because of the fun activities with baseball being only a secondary consideration. In fact, I believe that most attendees did not know the score let alone the name of the visiting team! It was perfect for us both due to the economics and the many options that kept the little TMGs distracted. Of course, I still do not know the final score or the full name of the visting team! But that was not the point of the outing; all I cared about was that the kids had a good time and they did.

A year ago: Adirondeck chairs

Post processing (Note: shot with my G10 P&S):
Tweaked saturation in DPP

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