Fun, fun, fun

Went over this morning to collect Jack and Erin from Grandma and Grandads (gig went very well although I now have a very squeaky voice) and as we had no plans Grandad asked if we would like to spend the day with them. So we first went to the Tram station where Grandad treated us to lunch and Jack and Erin waved the trams in and out. After that Pecorama which is a place dedicated to trains was having a free charity day so we spent the afternoon there. We had a ride on the minature train which the children loved, played in the play area after an ice-cream, looked through the gardens and had face painting. I love this one, I asked them to sit together on the step and just as I went to take it Erin pulled Jack in for a hug.
Finished off a lovely day with Darren home looking after the twins whilst myself and Jayne went to Alexs (baby Elas Mummy) for a meal. She was cooking for us to say thank you for looking after Ela and her other daughter Ana (who Jayne had). It was lovely food and company and really nice to have lots of chatter with no children to keep an eye on.

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