This day

By snapper


Typical Glasgow Fair weather, rain rain and more bloody rain!
Managed to get rid of some furniture from my folks house to give us more space and room to work with. Spoke to a guy to paint a couple of rooms, a hallway and kitchen and he wants £80 quid a day for his time excluding materials but I have no idea if thats reasonable?

Took eldest daughter out to buy her bits and bobs for her wee car and there were three fiendish wee Omen kids tooting all the horns on the bike! grrrrr then went to Uni cafe for lunch. Later took her and #1 son to the pictures, they wanted to see something called Inception, at two and a half hours long with Hellish music and sitting in the last three available seats the FRONT!
God was I glad when it was over!

Sitting alone now with the big dog, the other two left at home and one of them feeling peeky (again!) Dentist appointment tomorrow!!!!!!

Have a good blip evening all

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