
There are rules in this country for almost eveything.
Don't do this, son't do that, don't walk here, don't eat that, you can't build this, you want to do what? says the planning man. Rules rules rules.

Some would say rules are made to be broken and indeed I have broken a few in my time! Latterly it was the turn of youngest daughter to re write the rules regarding speed limits on her way to Glasgow one dark late night. Caught! 50 in a 30 limit and has held her liscence for only 10 months! ...not good.

So part of today was dealing with citations and lawers and to save time looking for parking hubby ran me into town. Fine I faxed all the stuff the lawer wanted until he phoned at 5pm to say he needed a copy of her drivers lisence so hubby ran me back to the house and as he is the only member of this family that DOES obey the rules, he drove at 30 through the town and cautiously up the hill to the house, I knew the bridge had shut so he took the other way back and you know when you find yourself sitting in the passenger seat rocking like you were in cold turkey trying to make the bloody car go faster! Well that was me, there is no way you can hurry this guy especially where speed limits are concerned as is why he has nil points and I have 3!

Anyhow made it by the skin of my teeth back to the PO and faxed the dammed thing. We shall have to wait and see what transpires but I do know if you have held your lisence for less than a year the beak may be inclined to make one re sit. We shall see

Anyhows that was my day so to keep ith my rule breaking theme I went mad and made this picture go doolally too

Have a nice blip evening all

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