
By wonderfulworld

Into the West

Today, my friend was working so I had the day to myself in Co. Mayo. I had a notion that I might climb the great Crough Patrick but it was very wet when I started out so I took a road trip to Leenaun, just over the Mayo border into Galway. Along the way I could tell that I was passing some dramatic scenery but the fog and drizzle shielded the great mountains from my view.

I stopped along the way when I saw an old forest of oak trees. I found a river walk along the edge of the forest and followed it. I was in awe at these great oaks clothed in moss and twisted into all kinds of shapes, some struck down, no doubt by lightening.

In Leenaun I stopped in a Wool Centre and had coffee and a mooch around. It was on the way back that the weather cleared and I saw some of what I had missed on the way here. It was truly stunning scenery and I rediscovered the raw beauty of the West.

Later I climbed the great Crough Patrick and was rewarded with more spectacular views of Clew Bay.

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