Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Just like her mum...

I decided to pop a moist hide (a plastic box filled with damp moss) back in Milo's viv today. It increases the humidity which aids the shedding process (if she'd ever get around to it). It turns out that like her mum, she loves ice cream, well being in the ice cream boxes anyhow, so both her standard hides have been swapped out for moist ones for a while.

My friends N and J came round this evening with George (their royal python). We had a lovely evening, chatting, N & J playing with Milo, me playing with George. I'm always amazed at how big George is (he's nearly a kilo now) but it gives me good preparation for when Milo gets to that size.

In other exciting news, we got the call we were waiting for. The holiday is booked and confirmed. It's really happening. 3 nights at the Icehotel in Lapland, a night in Stockholm and 4 nights in Iceland with so many fun filled, action packed excursions along the way!

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