This day

By snapper

200 & not out!

Spent much of the day in the car!
Went to find Autoglass and they have moved from Springburn to Ballieston, finally found them and the minute the guy saw it was a Clio (#1 daughters car which leaks) he said "its the sunroof" then went on to explain that we could either go to B&Q and use clear silicone to seal it or go to a Renault specialist and pay £150 to have it sealed, needless to say the B&Q solution seems the best at the moment

Then it was off to get fittings for her car radio (I never got this attention to detail when I bought my first car a mini for £25 ! it had no radio, you pulled the windows along sideways to open, it leaked and all the water gathered in the vast door pockets! To tart it up I stuck beer mats all over it and had to sell it that way for which I got £75!
Now they don't just want a basic damm car ! oh no! it has to have cd, dvd, stereo, sunroofs, ipos docks~~~~~~~~~? I ask you?

After that we called in to B&Q then to some furniture shop and we bought a suite! not every day one does that but it was needed, was with hubby and #2 daughter and while the two females were trying every sofa and chair in the place, a bit like Goldilocks and the two bears! hubby was admiring chairs that looked thike something you would find in an old folks home! and was greetid by a chorus in unison of "NO" . finally settled on a dashing red 3 seater sofa, two seater and a chair all which recline so that no one will argue over who has the best seat!

Drove home and let '2 daughter drive the last half hour. Now , aster a few sedatives, I feel ready to do my blip which I think may be my 200th and is of Inveraray.

Have a good blip all of you and thank you for all the comments and good laughs since I began

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