This day

By snapper

A long day

Began early had to drive to Appin for a meeting that lasted till after three, then was free as my next port of call was Acharacle to supervise some musicians playing for a dance. I wandered about here and there and took a few pic theough the day was beautiful the light was still harsh.
After exhausting all my possible shots of Glenfinnan church (pictured) I drove along towards Glenuig, I saw a nice spot to stop for a picture but lo there was a guy there already, a HUGE tripod, HUGE Canon lens and about 6 filters attatched. I looked at my own humble stuff and for the first time in my life realised why some men get penis envy! All his stuff was top notch so I slunk off and a few miles further up found the perfect spot.

Stopped at Am Bothan and called in and had a grand blether with Fergie MacDonald, just the two of up putting the trational world to rights, finally I made it inot Acharacle . The dance didnt start till 11.30 ish and went on till the back of two, three by the time we cleared, I finally made it to my bed nearer four am and didnt sleep till 5 and had to get up again at 6am! God I hate mornings!

A busy day but fun too

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