
By LadyFindhorn

Three Six Five

Who would have thought a year ago when I was persuaded at a family meal by David77 to sign up to Blipfoto, that it would take over my life and make me see the world as one big blip potential.
My camera and I are inseparable, and his Lordship complains like the late Princess Di, that there are three in the marriage.

365 blips seem a lot to me, but then there are people on this site who have 1460 in the bag. That cuts me down to size.

Blipfoto has served me well on two counts:1) I have it on good authority that my photography has improved slightly. (The authority of course may be keeping me sweet in order to use the household facilities for the next 3 weeks).
However, I now use the manual button on my camera and am far more critical of the results.
2)It has given me the opportunity to write a daily journal to accompany the blip and I really enjoy doing this.

Now is the point at which, like the Oscar winners, I thank the people involved behind the scenes. These are the lovely people at Blipcentral and the punters who take the time and effort to look and comment on my blips.

But the biggest thank you is to his Lordship whose patience with me and my blipping is legendary and..... who was my lighting assistant today.

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