
By LadyFindhorn


I fear I'm in danger of losing the plot.

Although the day started well enough with the plot and focus.
There was an early visit to machine land in heavy rain, followed by the delivery of a book to a friend and then a final washing of the kitchen floor combined with a general vaccuuming. All went according to plan.
The house can never be clean enough for the visiting of a daughter-in-law. Daughters take you as they've found you all their lives, but daughter-in-laws can judge you on the here and now and can easily find you wanting.
I should know, I've been one.

So far so good. We made it to the airport in time to collect Mr& Mrs David77 off their flight from Newquay, but then things started to unravel.

The present I had bought from Amazon for granddaughter Lucy's birthday next week thinking that I was so clever to have it all organised so early, was the wrong thing according to David and he of course turned out to be right.
It had to be parcelled up and returned and the correct item ordered at express delivery charges. Not good.

Then I went to the bank to withdraw money, and after standing in the queue, discovered my bank card was at home.

Back home I found the envelope which I had intended to use to send some drawings down to Portsmouth was too small and I had to go back out to buy the right size, this time taking my bank card with me and visiting the bank again.

Hopefully, I've re- found the plot and am multi tasking, blipping while I prepare the meal for tonight.
The sun has even deigned to appear, so we might just be able to sit outside with some aperitifs. Things are definitely looking up.

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