Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

200 blips!

Wow, 200 has come around really fast!

I'm still thoroughly hooked on blipfoto, it's such a great way to keep a journal of how Kerr is growing and developing - I hope he gets as much pleasure from looking at the blips in the future as me and Kerrsdaddy have from creating them each day.

Thanks to all who drop by for a nosey, leave a comment or subscribe to my journal - I'm really not much of a photographer at all but I love taking photos each day especially of my little (usually) willing model!

Kerr learned how to wave today, yay! He has been practicing it a lot and is very pleased with himself. It was a struggle to get a decent blip for today - I took 43 and this was the best one. Most of them had at least one magnet missing, tucked into Kerr's sticky little fingers :-)

My favourite blip
100th blip

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