
By 4Boys4Girls

Heading home

Took this image early this morning when I first got up, taken through the window as I looked out. Seems to sum up the feeling of going home after a very good week's holiday.

The boys are slowly getting up. They are content to go home (they want to go to a good friend's birthday party tomorrow).

It does raise the question of why I feel like trips should be limited in time. Why plan to go away for 4 or 5 days when in reality I could be away for weeks. Fortunately the boys helped me and we stayed longer than if it had just been left to me.

Leo borrowed my camera yesterday, and went crawling in the wheat fields -- which I blipped yesterday -- he came up with several very good shots indeed, including this one And This one which he took while crawling in the wheat. He also told me that he knew I liked "lines" so he had taken some shots of the lines in the wheat field. I really have to get him a camera which is perhaps a bit easier than the D-Lux 4 (which has loose dials which are always moving so that it very unlikely that the camera settings are where you want them to be). Recommendations anyone .. I do want high image quality and simple controls and child-robust.

By the way, I changed the image on yesterday's blip as I had reduced it to such a small image on the iPhone (so as to be able to upload it with 2G mobile coverage) that the quality looked unacceptable to me even though I liked the image content.

Shooting through my sunglasses was quite successful. Here's an image showing the tint from the sunglasses and the polarized effect. Setting Wb to Auto in Light room (I normally have it set to Daylight in the camera) removed the tint. (So shooting Auto might remove it anyway). As it is I liked the effect.

Edit: I took a walk on the beach a few minutes ago and came across some drawings in the sand which I liked so much that I have to replace the initial image I blipped (it's over here).

Finally, apologies for my lack of comments on your journals, but until this morning I have had basically no Internet connection. Using my phone has been very very slow.

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