Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

The story of the old doors

My blip finding adventures of today were not very pleasant. I went out shopping in the evening and there I found an Afghan man with three carpets on his shoulders. I thought of him to be a good subject to shoot but when I asked him if I could take his picture, he said "How much will you pay me for it?". I was taken aback and in all honesty was put off. So, I left hoping to find a better find. Then I roamed around a bit in search of a nice shot, and after a while I just gave up.

I had to do some work for my aunt, so I went straight to her place. There, after doing some work, I went to her garden (again, just like yesterday) and started taking pictures. Then I noticed these old doors placed against a wall. These were the same doors on which I captured the chipmunk yesterday. These doors have many years of history associated with them.

They were the doors of my late uncle's clinic. My uncle and his father before him were all renowned doctors of the Indo-Pak subcontinent and had used these doors since the 1930's. I started asking my aunt about them (as I usually do) and started wondering as to how many people must have walked through those doors. So many celebrities, leaders, politicians and so many other not so famous people.

Although the buildings are no longer standing and the people are no longer alive, but these doors are still there ... a reminder of a glorious past.

I like to transfer my pictures from my camera to my computer and upload them as is, but for the first time ever, I have played around with the brightness of my picture, just for fun.

The original picture.

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