Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Mmmm cake....

My friends are here and staying for the weekend so we've had a pretty relaxed day. Woke up late, made bacon and egg bagels (very very good....A compared them to a bacon and egg McMuffin, something for which I've since forgiven him...) and watched TV from the week.

Went to see Toy Story 3 again. Just as great the second time - although the last screening was more relaxed because it was an adults only premiere. This time though the cinema was full of kids but all were very well behaved. The couple next to us even had a little baby in a car seat that didn't make a single noise the entire time. I often wonder what age you should take your children to the cinema. Obviously some are more likely than others to sit and be quiet for ninety minutes, but it must be hard to judge often. Kids that are good as gold in the confines of a living room could become difficult in a crowded cinema. So it's so nice to see kids sitting, paying attention. :)

Now home with cake. Had takeout after cinema and my friend bought a birthday cake. No one's birthday - just to celebrate it being Saturday I suppose. :)

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