
By scharwenka

Chocolates for the Heart

Home-made Chocolate Truffles for a Wedding Celebration.

My son Andrew (Andy) got married to Beth in South Africa in March. On Saturday 24 July, Andrew and Beth threw a party at a pub in the country for those who were unable to be in South Africa to celebrate.

These chocolates were made by my daughter Carol to mark the occasion. There are two layers, I was given to understand, but I wasn't allowed to check! If Carol's previous contributions as a chocolatier are anything to go by, these will be exceptionally rich and delicious.

As you can see, the icing spells out the names of the happy couple!

The bride herself is given to making very superior chocolatey things. Here are chocolate cup-cakes with chipotle icing. Each one is a meal in itself. (The green ones are different, and labelled 'kids'.)

Here is a more complete representative photographs from the occasion.

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