
By scharwenka

Italian Renaissance Drawings

The real purpose of our visit to London yesterday was to see this exhibition at the British Museum.

It was a wonderful assembly of renaissance drawings from the collections in the Uffizi and the BM itself. Mantegna, the Lippis, Verrocchio, Leonardo, Michelangelo and Raphael, and many more, were all represented. The exhibition was very well mounted, with explanations of the techniques used (fascinating: stuff I never knew) as well as copies of full-scale paintings, where they exist, that were subsequently based on the sketches. All this was put together in a dimly lit complex layout within the old circular Great Reading Room. This is the first time I've been in since the Reading Room was translated elsewhere.

Art and Museums create hunger...

See my BlipFoto submission for Thursday 22 July 2010 for the non-cultural aspects of the visit!

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