
By Instography

Did she get all the chocolate?

It's good to know that when I haven't managed to take a photo all day that I only need to take my camera to the dinner table to be sure that one of these two jokers will provide something. They're both pretty tired today after the late nights that are an inevitable part of camping so both needed a fair amount of cajoling to eat their dinners.

Ellen wanted more parmesan and after she's eaten all her pasta and left all the sauce, each mouthful of sauce needed to be dusted in cheese and rewarded with another bit of pasta. Ewan needed fear. I told him that as soon as I was finished my tea I was going to start eating his ice cream. He knows I would so with that, he couldn't shovel it in fast enough.

Now we just need to get these two into bed and we can settle down to catch up on the cycling and Friday's Masterchef.

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