Wet Dry Sunny Rainy

By eubers

Shepherds rest

We went on a lovely walk today. Hathesage down to Grindleford beside the river and back via a higher route.

We were uncertain about letting the dog off the lead, there are so many and such severe warnings (offenders WILL be prosecuted, hung drawn, quartered, their family and friends exterminated and their house reduced to rubble) that we were quite unsure what to do.

The dog is very good off the lead, but pulls terribly if she is excited. A reprimand does get her back in line but only for about 3 seconds. A lead walk in the country is a wearisome business.

Our confusion was increased by frequently meeting locals with their dogs bounding freely about.

We eventually discovered that the unwritten rule is if there is stock about keep the dog on a lead - fair enough. An excitable dog is not to be trusted round excitable sheep! At the end of the day even the most placid family pet is a hunter.

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