Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

Confessions of a Bad Mother: Number Nine

I don't regularly brush my daughter's hair....

Which really is a bit criminal given that at 8 months it's already down past her shoulders, albeit in a very thin and straggly kind of way. So it's no wonder it always looks quite such a mess - and as you can see, she definitely hasn't got the hang of what to do with a hairbrush yet. Probably because I don't exactly model good behaviour as I also hardly ever brush my own (unless you count running your fingers through it to remove the bed head look whilst running to answer the door?)

Plenty of people have told me I should cut Lyra's hair. I'm in two minds, it is a lot thicker on top and it might be no bad thing to get rid of the wispy ends, but then I'm also intrigued to see what it will do by itself and given that changing her nappy requires speed, stamina and a whole heap of determination these days, I can't imagine what trying to cut her hair would be like. The child just will not sit still and the result could be bad hair hell!

Confessions of a bad mother number eight

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