
I came home from Zumba tonight to find Orla in our bed and Orla's bedroom turned upside down. The sequence of events leading to this is not for the faint-hearted, so if you have a weak stomach look away now.

Orla had a really dirty nappy, so bad that it was all up her back and over her legs, and when her Daddy was trying to get her nappy off it somehow also ended up on her hands. So he decided that she needed a bath. As it's quite normal for her to have a shower with one of us in the morning now, a bath is a rare treat and they both had a great time. When she came out of the bath, her Daddy took her into her bedroom to get her pyjamas on and played the game of "Where's Orla?" which consists of Orla sitting on the bed and her Daddy throwing a towel over her head, pretending he doesn't know where she is and her pulling off the towel and saying boo, or laughing. Orla kept saying "again!" and her Daddy forgot that she wasn't wearing a nappy until she peed on the bed - duvet and all. So the bed got stripped and Orla was transplanted to our room. The duvet is now in the washing machine and hopefully tomorrow everything will return to normal.

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