Still Alive

By rinkkasatiainen


If I was any good in photoshopping, I would have removed the apartment house from the view.

Seeing this view is like traveling mentally to childhood and to 'Doghill'. We all Finns, born around at my age, were living our childhood together with the Doghill books by Mauri Kunnas (in wikipedia). We had two, namely 'Doghill farm' and 'the Doghill kids go to town'.

For me, those two were, and still are, very special books. From the former I've learnt a lot of old days and how people lived earlier when reading the book with my parents.
The latter described how the kids went to town, my current home town, Turku. Being born in Turku and moved near Helsinki, I enjoyed a lot reading about Turku. Probably it was one key in making me want to move back 'home' when growing up and going to University.

So, there's a lot of feelings within Mauri Kunnas' books.

And this view, in the centre of Turku, so vividly brought me back to my childhood. All the memories from the time spent with the books.

Probably it's time for some book shopping from the online antiquarian (

As what comes to the rest of the day; I received 4 more books from Samuli Paulaharju (all bought from the online antiquarian). Surprisingly, nowadays my most expensive book is a very small journal called 'Metsän satua ja totta', namely 'The tales and truths of a forest'. Supposedly it's very rare. Could've blipped that today. Hopefully there's another chance for it.

We had a 4 hour walk in Turku, did some shopping (for the first time, we went to buy something for the little princess) and walked to the hill on the picture for some time hanging on a cloth.

Dinner today with some broccoli, carrots and cucumber. You can see the table after dinner in flickr.

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