Still Alive

By rinkkasatiainen

Home Sweet Home

Leaving the Mid-Finland summer cottage today. Visited her confirmation ceremony. I actually met him, a fellow blipped. I should've introduced myself a as another resident of the Blipland.

But I forgot. Or actually, did not forget it. It just did not pop into my mind before already heading home.

Staying for the weekend without electricity. Thus some back-blipping once the little one fell asleep.

On Thursday I did nothing.
On Friday I saw a sunset like never before. It's so worth watching, even if I say it. Yet, it seems so pale when looking from a picture. One rarely sees the rainbow colors on the far-side of the lake.
On Saturday I blipped our effort on baby-led weaning. Watching the little princess eat avocado is awesome.

All in all, excellent weekend.

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