This day

By snapper

Why does it rain on me?

I knew I had to catch a ferry and so was up early and catching up on paper work , yet year after year I end up making a mad dash to this damm ferry which is only about 45 mins down the road! Thats what comes of being too close ! Where am I off to this week? the isalnd of Arran.
I have a love hate relationship with this place. As a Hebridean I expect all Scottish island to have a sort of Highland /Island flavour, Arran doesnt have this. It has hoardes of tourists from all airts and pairts, they drive along an 10 miles an hour, they can be found on the beach even if its tipping it down like today. I don't hear island accents, and I don't hear any Gaelic .
As far as sceanery goes, its quite nice, Scotland in miniature some folks call it cause it has hils and lochs and midgies.

Maybe if I came here for a holiday and maybe if I had decent weather I might like it more. I wasnt here last year but was evry other year this time in July due to my job. Usually mid week my late mother would come over either by herself or with a friend and I would take them around the place. This afternoon when I took a drive in the rain to Kildonan (I think thats the place) I got a realy strange feeling. I just knew my mother was in the car with me, I can't explain it, it was like haveing a warm glow near you and leaving me with a feeling of wanting to reach out and hug her! I know it sounds strange and beleive me I am not into any of this afterlife stuff, so I realy can't explain it. All I know is that I coud feel her presence and now that I think about it, the road I took her on the first time she came over was that same road and it was the same dreich weather. Maybe I am getting old!

Lots to do tomorrow among other things I have to go round the island asking for raffle prizes. I hat e doing this as I get some good responses and some very negative ones. Its tough on us all trying to get funding for projects . It makes me angry when I read the new arts funding body for Scotland had a huge launch in some arty place in Edinburger that cost over 8 grand! that sort of money spent to launch a body that is a combination of Scottish ARts Council and Scottish Screen. As usual it will be men in suits giving funding to their own pet projects! I dispair , there are some very good and very hard working artists, musicians etc out there who struggle yet someone else who is in the know with the city slickers gets pots of cash for the weirdest things.

Does the musician who plays in old folks homes or in day centres to entertain the foks there get funded? not a chance, however if someone were to go there with a troop of performing moneys they woud get money chucked at them as it would be "art"

Bah humbug I say to all those in suits who frequent posh winebars and wheel and deal as to who gets funded.

God I am becoming such a moan
Tomorrow I am going to be upbeat, positive, happy , content.
Watch this sapce
Good night all blips
Picture is of a dreich Whiting Bay in Arran

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