This day

By snapper

An interesting day

I knew it was going to be one of theses days. Having only just got to sleep at 5am, BRRRRIIING, the damm alarm was doing the wall of death at my ear at 6am. I had to get up as I needed to be in Inveraray by 9.30am and I was still in far flung Acharacle!. Feeling like I had been only asleep for 10mins, I got dressed or at least tried to! I thought come on I havn't put that much weight on ? couldnt get into my knickers! yikes, a quick look at the label established I had taken #2 daughter's knickers in my haste yesterday and they are a size 10!! well I havnt worn a size 10 since I was probably ...10! anyhows needs must so one giant intake of breath later and then cdlothed I was off down the road to catch the first ferry across from Ardgour. By the time I reached Dalmally I was skelly eyed so pulled in at Kilchurn castle to take a break and a few pictures of the castle. Jumped over the style and within five minutes was ankle deep in bog, finally got to where I wanted to take the picture of said castle and bam! my big camera wouldnt work! DISASTER! no matter what I did it was reading error 99 the kiss of death ofr any Canon. Fortunatley i HAD MY TRUSTY lUMIX SO GRABBED A FEW SHOTS AND WAS STILL IN TIME TO DO THE WORLD-WIDE PHOTO WALK of Inverary. The leader was Richard who takes all these stunning Inveraray shots, myself, another nice lady from Edinburgh and a nice family from Fife (Ithink).
Off we toddled following Richard like a wee flock of sheep, meehing and baahhing at all the lovely possibilityies for pictures. He even managed to get us into Inveraray Jail (for free) this man has the power for sure!
We finished at the castle tearoom and it was off home to a nice bath and bigger knickers!
Then got a distress call from #1 daughter who had been persuaded to go camping near Campbeltown. I dont know why she agreed becuses this is the one who said sleeping bags were stupid as she had never slept a night in one yet. When I got there with foam mats to ease their fine bones onto the ground she was dressed like Scott in the Antartica!

Back home, and ready for an early night (after a wee dram)

Oidche mhath uile blippeachs

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