Through my lens, Willis

By Willis

Highway Night Art

While driving back home after viewing an IMAX screening of Inception (Oh Boy), I stopped at this over pass and took 6 lock down shots of the Expressway...

It's almost midnight so I will say good Tuesday everyone...

This is better Large.

Caution Tech Stuff: This image is made from six 5 second exposures layered together and mixed using the screen mode so they are all transparent. Then I turned off all the colors on each layer so I had the classic red, green, blue, cyan, magenta and yellow. Well that was kind of cool (or not) so lets duplicate those layers and flip them vertically. While we're at it lets change all the color order so they are different from the top to the bottom. Then a full horizontal flip with an exclusion mix. Looks like pop art to me but it was fun...

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