Officially a real baby!

12 days old

Today Katie was registered! The penpushers of this country now acknowledge her as exisiting, although the rest of us have been very certain of it for some time! Little Katie Elizabeth. She wore this pretty little dress that my parents bought the day she was born and was a really good girl. I love this little outfit, you can see how skinny her arms and legs were when she was born!

A good friend of mine popped round too and Katie had a lovely cuddle with her - this was another lady i'd nannyed for, she'd been so excited to come and see Katie and was itching for her girls to meet her, took a few more weeks for that to happen!

I got a lovely surprise after lunch as my aunt and uncle turned up. They've been like grandparents to me for all my life so I was really pleased they'd come to see Katie, and they brought her a very cute little suit and teddy.

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