New dress

11 days old

This was the first dress that I bought for Katie. All her clothes we'd bought before she was born were unisex as we didn't know what colour she would be. The first time we went into town with her we bought her some pretty little girls' clothes and this was her dress. I've still got it in her baby box. It was meant to be for 7 1/2 lb but it lasted her ages. I was really excited to have girl clothes that fitted the little munchkin!

Today was special to me, I took her to church again and she met some people who've been really important to me as I grew up. One friend saw us from across the hall and came across saying 'excuse me, I'm not letting all the women cue jump!' Katie at this age was quite a nervous little thing and already knew if it wasn't her mummy. But she really enjoyed her cuddle with graeme. I'd babysat for his kids when they were little and his now 17 year old daughter came across and coudln't believe that I'd cuddled her when she was that small!

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