Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium

Back to porridge...

The post-holiday slump is a horrible thing. It's not just the usual "I don't want to go to work" feeling, there's something more than that. After having my routine disrupted for a few weeks I think my brain tries to default back to what it's most used to. But for some reason it doesn't seem to choose the routine I was in most recently, it goes for the one I had for longest. Unfortunately this means my head's all over the place, filled with thoughts of places and people who aren't part of my life any more. Mainly good memories, but that doesn't make the bombardment any easier. It messes me up.

Thankfully it doesn't last for long! A few nice evenings in the flat with my boyfriend, cooking our favourite meals, a couple of lunchtimes with my workmates and several looming deadlines and I'm back in the present, starting to feel happy and motivated again. I've got a thesis to write in the next six weeks so I need to get my ass in gear.

I've backblipped my holiday snaps, if you're interested they start here. I've also now got two gaping great holes in my blip calendar, but I promise I'll make a super effort to get back in the swing of it. If you see me missing a day you have permission to leave a stern and shouty message :)

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