
By cracker

Hairy Thistle!

Had a great day today! Spance was in daycare again and I went and got a couple of trailer loads of wood with Joe and Bev this morning and Robyn ended up coming and helping as well. The place where we were going to get it from is a saw mill and sells the off cuts per trailer load. They had run out today though and there is a four week wait for it! We ended up just filling the trailers with sticks from the side of the road! It will last us for a while though!

Natarsha bought a DSLR camera yesterday so i went over to her house again and we had a play with our cameras! It is so exciting to talk about and take photos with someone else who is as excited as you are! You get to talk about the technical side of the camera and different settings which a 'normal' person doesn't know or care about!!

This photo is of a thistle on Natarsha's property that I liked the look of! I couldn't decide if it was just a hairy type of thistle or if it was dew on it! I think since it was about 2pm it was probably just the type of thistle!!


Back to work tomorrow for a day shift so hopefully I will be able to catch up on my commenting! I have been really slack lately!

Edit: Have just realised that this is my 200th blip, with no gaps!!! Not the best subject matter! It snuck up on me!! Am having a ball on here and am loving the environment, support and encouragement it provides!! Thanks to everyone who stops by and comments!!

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