Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

Ah! Venice!

Indiana Jones had it right.

What a place.

And what a day!

Christine and I arrived in the 30º plus heat in Venice, and spent our first day doing much walking, and it was all in order to get into a good position for the fireworks of the Redentore Festival. (This clip is taken from much further off than we were, but I felt it captured some of the atmosphere).

There is no way that a photograph can do justice to this display, which was the best I have ever seen. Ten barges in the Guidecca lagoon held many of the fireworks, as well as those set on the shore. Amazing.
We stood behind some young Venetians, who gave us a wee dram of Vodka mixed with "Fisherman's Wine" - mmm. an acquired taste, methinks!
We didn't get back to the house (in the Cannaregio region) till after 3, and this made the end of a 24 hour stretch awake for Christine and I.

Worth every aching muscle!

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