Happy birthday mamma..

Today we been to my mom´s house. I had the blip ready in my head and heart but it didn't happen. i wanted to blip my mother surrounded by her grandkids and her being proud and happy. Instead I realized something today...

..You can feel lonely even when you are surrounded by the people you love the most. My mother lost her soulmate 16 years ago. A few month before her 50´s birthday my dad past away. She has been lonely since then. I never understood it like I did today. She hold on to her grief like it is a piece of my dad..and i need to respect her choice.

I honor her by this photo. It isn't even good. The light was like nothing and I didn't understand how to work my camera but i don't care. This is my mother, on her birthday, surrounded by her kids and grandkids and my gift to her today, is my understanding..

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