
By AnnelieHberg

She is back

She is back.

She been back for a few days but she needed space and loneliness. She has such an aura of freedom around her that is amazing.

Being 15 is not an easy task. One step in childhood, one step in being grown up. When we shot this photo, we laughed and fooled around but suddenly we both become very serious.

It´s so much about up and down, light and dark. Good and bad. She speak to me thru this photo. She is telling me the words she cannot say, or doesn't know, yet.

My baby girl, you are growing so fast. I remember it like yesterday how you crawled up to me, close, so close. Always so happy and full of life. You still come to me sometimes, sometimes you still need my arms and hear me whisper to you that it will be ok.. Do never stop to come, little lady. I will be here, always with my arms open.

EDIT: She has of course given me permission to publish this photo and to write what I write..

Large here.

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