
I started my day in a foul mood. Don't know why. Just did.

Then James cheered me up by being very silly and bouncing on our bed, then pinning me down, sitting on me and passing wind! Nice. Naughty for bouncing on the bed. Don't tell Coz!

Got my car back this afternoon. Sadly, it hadn't been washed or valeted, so it still stank to high heaven of diesel, so I took it for a wash and then spent about 2 hours cleaning the inside. It's been vacuumed, washed, the upholstery has been cleaned as well. It smells better - it looks like a new car. I had to do it though, because driving back from the garage, the smell of diesel was actually making me nervous in case the problem wasn't fixed. I'll be a bit neurotic about driving it for a while I think.

Then it was off to Nana's. Her lawn needed mowing and also, I needed to sort out a patch of lawn that had been removed to reveal the main drain cover on Monday as the man from Dyno-rod came to sort out a blockage. I got all the gory details. You don't need them! However, this patch looked like a miniature grave - it has been nicknamed the "grave for diddy men" (Ken Dodd fans will remember the diddy men, apologies to those from other parts who know not what I am talking about - it's best that you don't!). After sorting out the garden, and putting two planter containers out with some lavender plants and a number of hardy shrubs (yes, I have bought my Nana a shrubbery - does that make her one of the Knights who said "Ni!"), I scrubbed my nails and then we sat down, watched celebrity Mastershout Masterchef and had a good old chinwag.

She soon got into her stride, making me laugh out loud, particularly when she started rooting through one of the magazines my mum collects for her from her village - Quesada news or something like that - dirty jokes a-plenty. Naughty Nana!!!

As for me, my students would say I am a nag and sometimes I would like to tell them to naff off.

I used to be a nail-biter, but I stopped when I was 21 and now have nails that could scratch someone's eyes out.

I like to take naps. I'm not happy with myself naked. I'm sometimes naive. Bit of a nutter.

I am a member of the grown up club called the National Trust!

I wish that natural selection would work it's way through to remove the chavs and hooligans.

I have had two operations which have "gone in" through my naval.

I would like to be neat and tidy, but although I manage it at work, I can never manage it at home.

I find it easy to be negative, have to work hard to be optimistic at times. Often nervous.

Pretty good at negotiating.

Technically I am still a newlywed.

I live next door to a numpty who is rapidly becoming my nemesis.

Now I am off for a nightcap.


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