Pancakes and Pink Power nails!

Pancakes for very late breakfast, basically because there is no food in the house except for eggs and milk.

Pink power nails - I've watched far too many episodes of Dynasty this week and was clearly having an "Alexis Colby" inspired moment when I painted my nails last night. The spirit of the bitch lives on!


Packed. Part 2. Please, no disasters this time.

Prone to panic - the slight wiff of diesel in the car. Panic. Not getting to the airport on time. Panic.

Plain jane.

Sometimes podgy.



Used to be my Grandad's "princess".

Purple is my favourite colour.

Beyond that, I am stuck, partly because my beloved is waiting for me to get off this infernal computer so that the 3 of us can go out for a pub tea. A rare treat.

So I'm off.

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