Courage Is The Price

By courage

I'm a barbie girl, in a barbie world...

Round to Islay's for a girls night, featuring picnic dinner, karaoke and cocktails. And a brilliant laugh it was too. Pictured is Islay getting right into the spirit of Aqua - go girl!

I went with the intention of coming home by 10 at the latest, since I had to be up at 7am for the car boot sale next day and still hadn't bothered to sort my stuff out.

I ended up rolling in at 1.30, blazing drunk and hoarse from murdering Amy Winehouse 'Tears Dry On Their Own' on the karaoke (not my choice, hardly an easy karaoke number!)

Think I had at least 10 cocktails and each one featuring different spirits and mixers.

My god did I pay for it next day. A 7.30am car boot sale with a hangover is so not a good experience. In fact, if any blippers are considering a car boot sale for the first time please consider this advice first: "DON'T!!!"

It was soul destroying. One woman spent literally 20 minutes looking at two silver necklaces before telling me she'd give me 20p for the pair. We spent 5 hours in an underground car park filled with fumes and vultures trying to buy gold at rock bottom prices.

Andy, the sweetheart that he is, went off and got bacon rolls and tea to keep us going. Before he went, he gave me the car keys and proceeded to lecture me as if I was 5, about how I must be responsible with the keys, don't lose them, don't let anyone steal them etc etc. He returned half an hour later with the bacon rolls and within 10 minutes he'd successfully locked the keys in the car!! And we don't have a spare set (yes I know that's stupid).

At the end of the day I'd made £70 and had a £70 quote for a locksmith to come and let us into our car.

But the gods finally smiled on me and after 2 hours of fiddling Andy and Rob managed to break into the car using a wire coat hanger. It doesn't say much for the car's security but at least my profit margin was saved!

Andy now thinks he may have an alternative career as a car thief but I think he'd have to speed up his technique somewhat.

The moral of the story is only do a car boot sale if your financial solvency utterly depends on it, don't do it with a hangover and don't ever let your other half lecture you unless you're positive they're more sensible than you are.

Which let's face it they probably aren't.

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