
By cracker

Hail explosion!

Today has been a lazy day! Kaz left early to go sailing and Spence and I have been inside all day with the fire going! It was 5 degrees C early but I think it got up to about 8! We have spent the day with the TV on (ABC 2 which is the kids channel!) so Spence has been watching that in amongst playing with his cars and I have been pottering about on my laptop!

After speaking to Abstract Eyes earlier I have downloaded a 30 day trial version of Light Room! Let's see if I can work out how to use it in the next 30 days!!

I am off to work tonight for my first night shift and have made a massaman curry to take with me! This is unusual for me as I tend not to be organised and end up having to buy take away at work! This means that generally one of the trucks has to go out and pick it up, so three of us all get in and off we go! If it is only me that needs tea then it inconveniences the others, because I can't just go by myself in case we get a call!

Today the weather was cold and ranging from sunshine, to rain to hail! I went outside on the balcony at one stage to take photos of the hail coming down! This shot is of the hail hitting the rail. I liked the two 'explosions' of hail as they hit!!

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