Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Lab time

Today's lab sessions weren't actually too bad. I was able to answer questions, recognise minerals in thin section and even understand how to use the logarithmic graphs. We took the graphs a stage further and I can now understand crazy metamorphic zone graphs!

In the afternoon we had a 90 minute field trip up a muddy hill, covered in midges to examine the local rock. When I say "we", as I'm in the "special" group, we were given the option of hiking up the muddy, midgey hill, or walking across the lab and looking at a great example in the walls of the building. I chose the building option! I can now confidently say I can identify a garnet in a hand (or wall) specimen (yes, anyone who knows anything about Geology will know how simple that is).

Unfortunately tonight's dinner was chilli and as you can't make chilli without chilli, I had the third option a jacket potato and beans. The potato was hard inside but I ate it anyhow. It seems though that the kitchen is poisoning me. I've been ill today and every time I try and ask the staff what's in something I get told "It's wheat and dairy free" Yes that's lovely but I have other intolerances. Asking again, "yes but I asked what was in it" provokes the "foreigner response" of repeating again slower and louder! I think a chat with the head chef lady tomorrow to check they actually received my details may be in order.

Yet again it was an evening in the bar before heading back for a shower and bed as we've an early start in the morning.

This shot shows all the beer they had on offer and just catches the begining of a couple of shelves of whiskys at the top.

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